As an expert at the Smart Coating Application Lab Patrick focuses on PVD and CVD coatings and technology in industrial, national and European research projects. Currently, his interests are on PVD HiPIMS technology, smart sensor coatings and surface functionalisation, using inkjet printing, with as an ultimate goal to have the technology used and working at the Sirris member companies. After finishing his PhD in Physics at the University of Hasselt in 1999, Patrick gained his first experience in coating technology during a project on the optimisation of CVD diamond coatings.
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Patrick Cosemans
Senior Engineer Coatings and Renewable Materials
About Sirris Testlabs
Since 1949, Sirris has been helping companies in Belgium to innovate. With our high-tech testing labs and our skilled material experts we want to support the Belgian manufacturing industry in testing and improving its products.
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