Differential Scanning Calorimetry (Mettler Toledo DSC 3+)
Determination of heat flow associated with chemical and physical transformations of a sample as a function of temperature or time.
Can be applied to:
Metals, plastics, ceramics, glass, composites, pharmaceuticals, food, chemicals
Test method standards:
ISO 11357 and ISO 28343
Test procedure:
A small sample is inserted into the DSC next to the reference sample. Changes in enthalpy are measured as function of temperature or time.
Small sample needed (mg), temperature range -90 to 700°C, N2 flow.
Heating rate 0.02 up to 300K/min, Cooling rate 0.02 up to 20K/min.
Melting behaviour, crystallisation and nucleation, polymorphism, liquid-crystalline transitions, phase diagrams and composition, glass transition, reactivity, reaction kinetics, curing, stability, miscibility, effect of plasticizers, thermal history, heat capacity (changes), reaction and transition enthalpies, purity, etc.
Lead time:
1 business day
All tests – composites – metals – plastics – coatings – adhesives – 3D prints
About Sirris Testlabs
Since 1949, Sirris has been helping companies in Belgium to innovate. With our high-tech testing labs and our skilled material experts we want to support the Belgian manufacturing industry in testing and improving its products.


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